This website is owned and provided by:
MightyFields razvoj informacijskih rešitev d.o.o., Litostrojska cesta 58 c, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija.
The company was registered at the District Court in Ljubljana, Srg 2023/16513, on 12 May 2023, VAT no. SI10873589, Registry no. 9390103000, the company’s share capital is EUR 8,500.00.
Present website pages are designed to provide general information about MightyFields, its products and services.
Terms of Use
If you open or browse through any page of MightyFields’s website, you accept all the limitations and terms of use stated below. Please do not use this website if you do not agree to all terms of use. We advise you to visit our website occasionally and read Terms of Use and Privacy Policy in force as they are legally binding.
MightyFields manages, supervises and updates MightyFields’s website in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Present web pages are intended for international use. MightyFields does not warrant that the data published on the web pages are valid worldwide, that all the products and services are available in every country and under equal terms. When accessing and browsing present web pages, the users must comply with the legal provisions in force in their country.
The information and data available on MightyFields’s web pages are only for informational purposes and do not provide the grounds for legally binding relationships or establishment of any such relationships, unless explicitly indicated otherwise (e.g. release of official offers, promotional materials, leaflets, etc.).
The information about MightyFields, its products, services and securities presented on MightyFields’s web pages shall not be understood as an offer of products, services, or securities. The information about the products and/or active substances presented on MightyFields’s web pages is general information about MightyFields overall product range only. Please note that this information may not be considered as an offer, unless explicitly indicated otherwise.
The indication of the product on MightyFields’s web pages shall not mean that MightyFields has actually placed the indicated product on the market, or offered it in the country of interest to the web page visitor, or in the country where the website visitor entered the page. Please check with MightyFields, if MightyFields actually markets and offers for sale in your country the product you are interested in.
Disclaimer of liability
In order to ensure accurate information and up-to-date data on its pages, MightyFields has designed its web pages with due diligence, and intends to continue to do so. MightyFields, however, does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information. MightyFields also reserves the right to alter at any time and in any way the contents of present web pages regardless of the reason and without prior notification. Page users use the released data exclusively at their own risk. MightyFields and any other legal or natural person that has cooperated in the design and production of present web pages expressly waives any responsibility and liability for any damages whatsoever that may arise or be related to the access, use, or inability to use the information from present web pages and/or for any errors or deficiencies in their contents.
All information and material (text and graphic) published on the MightyFields’s web pages are for information purposes.
MightyFields shall not be held liable for any damage (including damage from viruses) to the computer equipment, mobile devices or any other application used to access the web page resulting from visiting or using the web page. MightyFields shall not be held liable for any damage arising from the use or the inability to use the MightyFields’s web pages.
It may happen that any user of MightyFields’s web pages will respond by posting various pieces information. MightyFields waives all responsibility in this regard. Please note that such information is not confidential and does not fall under copyright protection. MightyFields reserves the right to use any such information freely, disseminate and disclose it to any other party without limitations, and to use it without quoting the source. MightyFields reserves the right to use also (but not only) the ideas, concepts, knowledge, experience and techniques, which are the subject matter of any such information or the information may comprise. MightyFields may use such information at its own discretion for any selected purpose.
Links to other websites
MightyFields’s web pages contain third-party information and links to third-party webpages but MightyFields assumes no liability whatsoever for their contents. MightyFields no control whatsoever over the operation of those web pages and cannot monitor their compliance with the terms and conditions of privacy; MightyFields also has no influence over the legality and accuracy of the contents on those webpages and therefore any visits and use of the links leading to third-party webpages in any case exclude liability of MightyFields.
Intellectual property rights
All the information and material (written or graphic) presented on MightyFields’s web pages are, within the legally permitted framework, subject to protection of copyright and other intellectual property rights.
All rights related to the contents and graphic elements or other presentation in any form whatsoever made on the web page, such as pictures, illustrations, audio and video files, photos, icons, text and other material as well as the portal itself and the form thereof, are hereby reserved and the material may only be reproduced for non-commercial use. Any alteration, reproduction, distribution or public presentation of a third-party work or any use of the published material shall be prohibited unless expressely permitted by the MightyFields in writing. The documents may be printed and saved only for personal, educational or other non-commercial use, subject to compliance with copyright or any other notices of ownership contained in the published documents.
If you have any problems, questions or if you wish to access, rectify, block or erase your personal data, please contact us at MightyFields d.o.o., Litostrojska cesta 58c, Ljubljana,
The constant development of the internet requires occasional adjustments to our privacy statement. We retain the right to make changes when necessary.
This website is owned and provided by MightyFields d.o.o.
Last updated in November 2024